Saturday, May 23, 2020
Martin Luther King The Civil Rights Movement - 1900 Words
From 1955 to 1968, Martin Luther King was a major leader of the Civil Rights Movement in America. Brought up in the midst of traditional Southern Black ministers, Kingââ¬â¢s childhood was surrounded with the strong racial prejudices of the South. As a middle class southerner, he built an armour of righteousness and equality around him and it was these strong values that influenced his decisions in life. We judge significance in various ways - how important a person is to us, how important they were to others and how they changed our life s for the better or worse. Therefore, when we begin the debate, I strongly believe that Martin Luther King-(King) was extremely significant in some areas of the Civil Rights Movement. Such as hisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The bus company eventually decided to give in and eliminate segregation on their buses as they lost 75% of their customers. From this event, more than 20 other cities started bus boycotts in support of King, one black m inister wrote ââ¬Å"the once dormant and quiescent Negro community was now fully awakeâ⬠, this shows that Kingââ¬â¢s actions were very important as they rippled across the nation, influencing the people s opinion. Possibly the most influential point in the debate on assessing the significance of Martin Luther King would be his speeches. King had a way with words and his words were a strong turning point in the minds of the people of America. A major influence was the speech King gave in Washington on August the 28th, 1963. This public speech was named ââ¬ËI Have a Dreamââ¬â¢, it calls for social, economic and racial equality for everyone living in the United States Of America. This speech was so important in the movement partly because it reached the ears of 250,000 people. He also made sure he delivered his speech in a very powerful related location, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Kingââ¬â¢s speeches were recorded and made a big impact on the minds of millions and over time they have played a part in different contexts throughout history.Show MoreRelatedMartin Luther King And The Civil Rights Movement979 Words à |à 4 PagesMartin Luther King remains one of the most controv ersial historical figures of the 20th century. Historians and modern politicians alike, challenge his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and the legitimacy of his leadership. While King is traditionally presented as a leader of the movement, Ella Baker, an African American Civil Rights activists, questions this convention and claims ââ¬Å"the [Civil Rights] movement made Martin.â⬠Furthermore, often portrayed as the decisive factor of social changeRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr.1468 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement is one of the greatest things in this world we are most grateful for. If we lived during the time of segregation it would have been a difficult time for us because anyone with a different skin tone would not have equal rights like the white Americans did. Furthermore, there were many people who did things to give people with color rights. Of these people was a pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. he contributed greatly to the field of Civil Rights movement with marchesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement 597 Words à |à 2 Pagestheir rights? People who did not let anything get in their way, no matter how tough times got? This place was American during the 1960s. Change in American was about to come and the people in American were going to make sure it happened. The 1960s was a time of determination, self-expression, and excitement. The 1960s came with many ups and downs. But there was many people in the 60s that made a change during that time and their legacy still has an affect on us today. People such as Martin LutherRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr.1174 Words à |à 5 Pagesmemorable figure that revolutionized equally in the United States is Martin Luther King Jr. King was an activist leader during the Civil Rights Movement who nonviolently protested along with many of his followers, involving civil disobedience, peaceful symbolic protests and economic noncooperation. He used great and powerful speeches regarding racial discrimination and used other ways to fight back against inequality. For instance, King was arrested for nonviolently protesting in Birmingham when the cityRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr. Essay1690 Words à |à 7 PagesA civil rights leader by the name of Reverend (PBS, 2016) Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world he occupied and chang ed the future course of the United States of America by advocating for desegregation. Martin Luther King Junior was on a mission to end the segregation of the African American community. Segregation was the post result of slavery throughout the United States of America which enslaved Africans. He challenged the status quo of the time. Protesting peacefully and advocating for socialRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr.1305 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement was a crucially essential and impactful part of American history. Since the beginning of the first colonies, racism, segregation, and mistreatment has been present in our country. First coming to the new lands through the Triangular Trade, African Americans have suffered of a lack of humane rights. As they stood up for themselves, and other non-African American supporters with them, they lead to the unraveling of one of the longest successful trials that have been foughtRead MoreMartin Luther K ing Jr And The Civil Rights Movement1134 Words à |à 5 PagesWhen we think of the Civil Rights Movement, we often think of the most prominent leaders like Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X whoââ¬â¢ve surely paved the way for the beginning of the movement. However many times we overlook the ones who arenââ¬â¢t talked about in the classrooms during Black History Month, or when weââ¬â¢re discussing the Civil Rights Movement. In response, I dedicate my paper on an African-American Organization to those who promoted the freedom and rights of Black Americans andRead MoreMartin Luther King s Civil Rights Movement1367 Words à |à 6 Pages In 1963 Birmingham, Alabama became a main focus for the civil rights movement. As a city, Birmingham had made its mark on the civil rights movement for years. The activities of Bull Conner and the bombed church which killed four school girls are only a few contributing occurrences that made Birmingham known to many Americans. The KKK thrived in the city and Martin Luther King described it as Americaââ¬â¢s worst city for racism. Everything was segregated, from businesses and churches to librariesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. : The Start Of The Civil Rights Movement1008 Words à |à 5 PagesEssay The Civil Rights movement was a push to expand the rights of African Americans in the United States. It is widely known that Martin Luther King Jr. was the figurehead of this movement he got his start in the Montgomery bus boycotts as he organized and spoke on behalf of the African American community in Montgomery and worked closely with Rosa Parks and other civil rights activists. Although this is where the movementââ¬â¢s most prominent leader got his start, it should not be consideredRead MoreThe Montgomery Boycott And Martin Luther King And The Civil Rights Movement1019 Words à |à 5 Pagesprotest, one famous protest being the Montgomery Boycott, which was lead by African advocate, Martin Luther king Jr. King led his people in the Civil Rights Movement, the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Washington March using passive protests. In 1964, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and died in 1968. Another African-American leader was Malcolm X, who was also an activi st in the Civil Rights Movement. When Malcolm was young, he lost his father for being an organizer for Marcus Garvey. During
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Caperucita Rojaââ¬ËLittle Red Riding Hoodââ¬â¢ in Spanish
Here is a public-domain version of Caperucita Roja, a Spanish version of the fairy tale known in the English-speaking world Little Red Riding Hood. Grammar and vocabulary notes follow for the aid of Spanish students. Caperucita Roja Habà a una vez una nià ±a muy bonita. Su madre le habà a hecho una capa roja y la muchachita la llevaba tan a menudo que todo el mundo la llamaba Caperucita Roja. Un dà a, su madre le pidià ³ que llevase unos pasteles a su abuela que vivà a al otro lado del bosque, recomendà ¡ndole que no se entretuviese por el camino, pues cruzar el bosque era muy peligroso, ya que siempre andaba acechando por allà el lobo. Caperucita Roja recogià ³ la cesta con los pasteles y se puso en camino. La nià ±a tenà a que atravesar el bosque para llegar a casa de la abuelita, pero no le daba miedo porque allà siempre se encontraba con muchos amigos: los pà ¡jaros, las ardillas listadas, los ciervos. De repente vio al lobo, que era enorme, delante de ella. ââ¬â à ¿Adà ³nde vas, nià ±a bonita? ââ¬â le preguntà ³ el lobo con su voz ronca. ââ¬â A casa de mi abuelita ââ¬â le dijo Caperucita. ââ¬â No està ¡ lejos ââ¬â pensà ³ el lobo para sà , dà ¡ndose media vuelta. Caperucita puso su cesta en la hierba y se entretuvo cogiendo flores: ââ¬â El lobo se ha ido ââ¬â pensà ³ ââ¬â no tengo nada que temer. La abuela se pondrà ¡ muy contenta cuando le lleve un hermoso ramo de flores ademà ¡s de los pasteles. Mientras tanto, el lobo se fue a casa de la abuelita, llamà ³ suavemente a la puerta y la anciana le abrià ³ pensando que era Caperucita. Un cazador que pasaba por allà habà a observado la llegada del lobo. El lobo devorà ³ a la abuelita y se puso el gorro rosa de la desdichada, se metià ³ en la cama y cerrà ³ los ojos. No tuvo que esperar mucho, pues Caperucita Roja llegà ³ enseguida, toda contenta. La nià ±a se acercà ³ a la cama y vio que su abuela estaba muy cambiada. ââ¬â Abuelita, abuelita, à ¡quà © ojos mà ¡s grandes tienes! ââ¬â Son para verte mejorââ¬â dijo el lobo tratando de imitar la voz de la abuela. ââ¬â Abuelita, abuelita, à ¡quà © orejas mà ¡s grandes tienes! ââ¬â Son para oà rte mejor ââ¬â siguià ³ diciendo el lobo. ââ¬â Abuelita, abuelita, à ¡quà © dientes mà ¡s grandes tienes! ââ¬â Son para... à ¡comerte mejor! ââ¬â y diciendo esto, el lobo malvado se abalanzà ³ sobre la nià ±ita y la devorà ³, lo mismo que habà a hecho con la abuelita. Mientras tanto, el cazador se habà a quedado preocupado y creyendo adivinar las malas intenciones del lobo, decidià ³ echar un vistazo a ver si todo iba bien en la casa de la abuelita. Pidià ³ ayuda a un segador y los dos juntos llegaron al lugar. Vieron la puerta de la casa abierta y al lobo tumbado en la cama, dormido de tan harto que estaba. El cazador sacà ³ su cuchillo y rajà ³ el vientre del lobo. La abuelita y Caperucita estaban allà , à ¡vivas! Para castigar al lobo malo, el cazador le llenà ³ el vientre de piedras y luego lo volvià ³ a cerrar. Cuando el lobo despertà ³ de su pesado sueà ±o, sintià ³ muchà sima sed y se dirigià ³ a una charca prà ³xima para beber. Como las piedras pesaban mucho, cayà ³ en la charca de cabeza y se ahogà ³. En cuanto a Caperucita y su abuela, no sufrieron mà ¡s que un gran susto, pero Caperucita Roja habà a aprendido la leccià ³n. Prometià ³ a su abuelita no hablar con ningà ºn desconocido que se encontrara en el camino. De ahora en adelante, seguirà ¡ las juiciosas recomendaciones de su abuelita y de su mamà ¡. Grammar Notes Habà a una vez is a common way of saying once upon a time. Its literal meaning is there was a time. Habà a is the imperfect tense of the very common hay, which means there is or there are. Muchachita is a diminutive form of muchacha, a word for girl. The diminutive is formed here using the suffix -ita. The diminutive form can indicate that the girl is small or can be used to indicate affection. Abuelita, a form of abuela or grandmother, is another diminutive found in this story. In that case, it is probably being used as a term of affection rather than referring to her size. The name of the story itself is another diminiutive; a caperuza is a hood. The dashes beginning in the fifth paragraph function as type of quotation mark. Words such as verte, oà rte, and comerte wont be found in dictionaries, because they are infinitives joined with the object pronoun te. Such pronouns can either be attached to infinitives or be placed before them. Such pronouns can also be attached to gerunds, as in dà ¡ndose. The opposite of a diminutive is an augmentative, and an example here is muchà simo, derived from mucho. Vocabulary Definitions in this list are not complete; they are designed to give primarily the meanings of these words as they are used in the story. abalanzarse sobreââ¬âto fall on top ofabuelaââ¬âgrandmotheracecharââ¬âto stalkahogarââ¬âto drownde ahora en adelanteââ¬âfrom now onancianoââ¬âold personardilla listadaââ¬âchipmunkatravesarââ¬âto go acrossbosqueââ¬âforestde cabezaââ¬âhead firstcambiarââ¬âto change capaââ¬âcape castigarââ¬âto punishcazadorââ¬âhuntercestaââ¬âbasketcharcaââ¬âpondciervoââ¬âdeercuchilloââ¬âknifeen cuanto aââ¬âwith regard todar media vueltaââ¬âto turn halfway arounddesdichadoââ¬âunfortunatedespertarââ¬âto wake updevorarââ¬âto devourdirigirse aââ¬âto head towardechar un vistazoââ¬âto check things outenseguidaââ¬âvery soonentretenerââ¬âto get sidetrackedgorroââ¬âbonnethartoââ¬âfull of foodjuiciosoââ¬âsensiblejuntoââ¬âtogetherllenarââ¬âto fillloboââ¬âwolfmalvadoââ¬âwickeda menudoââ¬âfrequentlymeterseââ¬âto entermientras tantoââ¬âmeanwhileorejaââ¬âearpesarââ¬âto have weightpiedraââ¬ârockprometerââ¬âto promiseprà ³ximoââ¬ânearbyrajarââ¬âto slice openramoââ¬âbouquetde repenteââ¬âat onceroncoââ¬âhoarsesacarââ¬âto take outsedââ¬âthirstsegadorââ¬âharvesterseguirââ¬âto follow, to continuesuaveââ¬âsoftsustoââ¬âfrighttratar deââ¬â to try totumbadoââ¬âlying downvientre ââ¬â belly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Life and Times of American POWs in Korea Free Essays
string(63) " camp as a POW tom says in the book that about 1,500 men died\." The world war two as well as the cold war was understood in a different concept from the Korean War. In them the Americans fought for both survival and virtue not Realpolitik, there was little chance in the imaginative minds for negotiation even though the general public had a very simple understanding of the Korean conflict. The U. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life and Times of American POWs in Korea or any similar topic only for you Order Now S government planners tempered them own impressions with such strategy and belief of thrust and parry. The U.S interest in the Korean peninsula is often said to have been limited in that planners were ready to cut their losses in the even that the conflict challenged to undermine the global prepondence of power. Thus, there were various effects whose magnitudes were immeasurable. For instance, the shootings within the peninsula may have been limited, but the magnitude of fear among the fighting soldiers was not.[1] The fighting was so intense and fierce as well as unpredictable that even Seoul, changed hands about 4 times.à Initially the Americans seemed to have won the war when General Douglas until the peopleââ¬â¢s republic of china got involved in the war. The Chinese army and other communist forces surrounded the Americans to hand them their worst defeat ever. The often called ââ¬Å"great bug outâ⬠was a cruel shock and a rude awakening to a nation that had invented the atomic bomb, beat the Axis of ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠attained prosperity while rebuilding Europe and with the belief that their Asian counterparts were backward and incapable of mounting any major challenge. The Chinese propaganda machine put a lot of emphasis on allied atrocities as well as conversion of POWs to Marxism. [2]At the early stages of the wrangles ever peace terms Republic of China started relentless changes of germ warfare. A majority of the reports published were supported by confessions relieved from POWs who were under () with often supervision from international inspectors with varying credibility. A large number and probably all the germ warfare confessions were falsified. At the end of the armistice talks, most of what was left was dedicated to the prisoners with the talks lasting for about half the time of the war. More recently the thesis that the Korean prisoners of war certainly prone to collaborate have been judged as a tenacious one, even though it had been meticulously debunked as early as 1963 by the pentagon. The situation in Korea was that of captivity being different rather than the captive. The U.S prisoners were coerced to give confessions in Marxist jargon. Instead of having just a quite session to inform fellows, as had been the case in earlier conflicts. The Korean was encompassed periods of incarceration as cruel as any American encounter, with about a third perishing resulting in a highly coercive atmosphere. If by any chance there was collaboration in Korea, then the situation can best be explained by the demands of the captors as well as the conditions the captive were subjected to instead of just a decline in character of youth. Although the POWs, may not have a permanent or profound revolution in their thought patterns still they were subject to vigorous and routinely indoctrination processes. This kind of methodology was responsible for a large number of collaboration that superficially appeared as a personality transformation. Within the camps, separating officers and ââ¬Å"naturalâ⬠leaders from the rest of POWs did the segregation. Such tactics like the encouraging race, class as well as political affiliation so as to abrade personal lies and group places among the POWs. Albeit the Chinese forces proclaimed the policy of ââ¬Å"leniencyâ⬠it was often on the theoretical basis as most the camps were inherently coercive.à In this often-coercive environment the Chinese forces added a forum from where the prisoners could often be minutely scrutinized for compliance. A brief summery of personal accounts from some of the soldiers who took part in the Korean War would probably provide a better insight to the flight of the prisoners of war. After graduating from high school (1950) Tom Gaylets was recruited in the U.S army, fort Knox, Kentucky for a period of six weeks. He later joined his brother and other soldiers who were in Korea. His unit has changed with the duties of blowing up bridges making roads while at same time removing and locating enemies. This particular unit according to tom moved up and down Korea encountering 21 battles in extreme wealthier condition. (summer 100 degrees) to less than 40 degree in winter) the experience according to him was like ââ¬Å"a hell hole because we fought the war 24 hours a day seven days a weekâ⬠.[3] There was no such a thing as taking a break. The soldiers were always at the frontline. The following year (may 17 1951) tom was called up by his commanding officer with the excitement at the prospect of arriving home was short lived the following morning when Chinese soldiers attacked their division. After a while the Chinese soldiers captured them, they were taken to a holding area until later at night in order to move them. After that the torture exercise began the Chinese made them carry sickness, hunger, and fatigue! They were not offered anything to eat by the Chinese soldiers, and ate anything that they could find on their way.[4] The food that was served to soldiers was terrible though there was a gradual change after some time. For instance there was one point where tom says that they were served rice and noticed some piece of meat in the rice. Thinking that things had changed for better the soldiers were upbeat only to realize the following day that a rat had accidentally gotten in to their food but the Chinese soldiers intentionally ignored and instead went a head to serve it to them. They were not served meat in their meals until some time in 1953. In the course of his stay at the camp as a POW tom says in the book that about 1,500 men died. You read "The Life and Times of American POWs in Korea" in category "Essay examples" During the winter seasons the dead soldiers were wrapped and chopped on the hillside without any decent depict an act of dehumanization. Tom himself almost succumbed to death due to various factors like starvation, bouts of dysentery and apparently about 100 pounds.[5] The Chinese soldiers were constantly looking for excuses in order to punish the POWs. A friend was routinely (every morning) put in a four ââ¬âby- four foot-hole and left for the rest of the day with a hat on his head. After that he would be taken out of every night only to be returned the next morning where he would fill out information with his hat on and then taken back to the hole. When Tom left to go and see some of his friends in the other company the Chinese solders would move him into a hut their start a fire there and leave him closed up for days. Another account by a soldier named David is a description of the deplorable conditions that they were subject to. After eluding the enemy soldiers for a couple of days, David and his compatriot were captured they were then taken through then initial positions and in fields and then hidden under cliff during the day. (Out-doors) they were not offered any sanitation or medical care. The food that was served to them was a brown powder and which was very little in quantity. This state of affairs was routinely carried out until June of 1951 when they were moved to a mining camp. At this stage a large number of prisoners began to die from starvation, while others died as a result of no medical care for the wounds and injuries sustained and others died from torture. Within his camp everyone according to David was plagued with dysentery that resulted in large number of soldiers dying in this camp. After about three months at the camp the soldiers then started moving them out to new camps. The transfer involved a matching process with no food while at the same time some of them were bombed by the U.S B24 which resulted to even more deaths. During the winter seasons some prisoners were given a pair of cotton pajamas but this all they had for the remaining seasons in spite of the fluctuating weather conditions which could go as well as below zero by about 40-50 degrees in the cold season be as lot as this in the included: body lice, dysentery, pneumonia, skin disorders, intestinal disorders, night blindness, beriberi, frostbites and the more insensitive one was the threat to be executed which often accompanied all Out of the approximately 7,190 prisoners of war, who were captured largely in the first months of the war, about 3,000 of them are estimated to have died in captivity about 43% of the mortality were as a result of starvation in a period that last about for six months (Nov 1950-Apr 1951. often the Chinese soldiers communist apologist normally argue that the U.S bombed most of the areas, thereby preventing the delivery of food.[6] However, some soldiers also claim that even though a large apart of the North Korean supply were heavily bombed most of the camps where the POWs were situated were right on the border of china, which had been exempted from bombing. Although the purposeful starvation of the American POWS had ceased in the early summer of 1951, a new phase of treatment greeted the POWs. This phase easy characterized by very disturbing experiences even to the American public than the initial murder by starvation method; the mass indoctrination in propaganda that were anti-American in philosophy often referred as brainwashing as well as the recruitment of the prisoners of war to regurgitate/repeat the learned propaganda in signed statements and even public broadcasts took hold. Even though the ââ¬Å"brainwashingâ⬠term eventually fell out of favor, due to the belief by psychologists that the communist indoctrination had no permanent effect on a majority of POWS as soon as they returned, it however was both a mental and physical torture process. In the history of the war they were some points (1950-1951) that are considered significant. For instance, the purposeful starvation of POWs by the Korean and Chinese soldiers often broke the spirit of the prisoners. The resulting effect was that they ceased to help one another. Attempts by most officers to take command, coercing them to cooperate in their common interest, were often thwarted by the communist guards, unless the officers were willing to be collaborators. Some officers took up this choice, for example a Lt. Col Paul Liles and Harry Fleming chose this method by creating communist propaganda, and in return cutting down on the number of deaths in their camps.à Even though these officers were later court martialed, many still believe they played a crucial role in saving many lives that would otherwise have been lost if they had not taken this stance. Elsewhere, many prisoners were too apathetic to defend their comrades and even themselves from the predators and other thugs like James Gallagher and PFC Roth well Floyd. In one particular instance, that has stood out happened in 17 Feb 1951 when Sgt. Gallagher tossed two POWs that had been severely weakened by dysentery from inside the barrack to the cold where they froze to death. The reason given by him was that the body stench and the general stink of the unclean dysentery patients was a revolting one.à Although this may be accurate, when soldiers act as a team and care for one another, the survival rates is gotten very high. There were some prisoners too who were never reported. The U.S authorities had documented about 66 American personnel that had been held back by the communist forces against their will after the war ended. A majority of them had been captured outside of Korea, and as such were not considered under the armistice terms. So far nothing ever came of them over after concerted efforts by diplomatic missions to secure their release. There were about three general phases to the encounters of the POWs per most of the soldiers especially the ones who hired to tell their tale. For instance the soldiers who gave their personal accounts had the experience of marching which can be referred to as the ââ¬Å"marching phaseâ⬠in this phase the communist soldiers and particularly the Chinese subject the POWs to often walking barefoot while poorly clothed in bitterly cold weather. They were then marched from their points of capture to camps that were situated deep inside North Korea. The second phase which took place until sometime in October 1951 when a majority of the camps were left to the Chinese control, In this phase where a great deal of deaths about 40 percent as a result of starvation, malnutrition as well as denial of Medicare by the unsympathetic north Korean PA guards. Other than malnutrition, starvation and lack of medical care the experience of the soldiers also included such acts like night blindness. Most of the men interviewed have discussed night blindness among prisoners as well as guards, vegetable competing lacking from their diet or in small quantities that do not make up a balanced diet. These are enough conditions about torture lice cold together with dysentery. There are instance where a guard is told who was ready to offer his bag of lunch plus 2 hours head start to any prisoners of war was willing to escape from the prison camps. This is a testimony of the deplorable state of the prisons and the treatment offered to the soldiers. Most of the times there was no medication and if it was provided then it was inadequate with no records at all. Some prisoners were indoctrinated on a daily basis with the sessions lasing from morning to night with just a short break for the Chinese soldiers to have their lunch. In the mean time the prisoners were not offered any food and it is during such times when the brains rushing process began. The perception that was instilled in them was that of repeating communist ideals and philosophy that they had learned in the process.à At night the soldiers would come into the huts and make the soldiers sit while facing eth wall, and warmed with flash lights that shone on the prisonersââ¬â¢ faces, the soldiers made them repeat the communist philosophy References: Harry Spiller, 1998. American POWs in Korea, sixteen personal accounts. McFarland Company Raymond B. Lech, 2000, Broken soldiers, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago IL, 330pp [1] Raymond B. Lech, 2000, Broken soldiers, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago IL, 330pp [2] Raymond B. Lech, 2000, Broken soldiers, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago IL, 330pp [3] (Harry Spiller, 1998). [4] (Harry Spiller, 1998). [5] Harry Spiller, 1998. American POWs in Korea, sixteen personal accounts. McFarland Company [6] (Harry Spiller, 1998) à How to cite The Life and Times of American POWs in Korea, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Ideal Customer Essay Research Paper The free essay sample
The Ideal Customer Essay, Research Paper The Ideal Customer Rarely is one asked to depict the ideal client in any facet non straight related to client service. Therefore, I find this a refreshing and extremely interesting undertaking to stretch my imaginativeness and experience covering with the nature of most clients. In this paper I will depict what attributes, attitude, and outlook makes up what I consider the perfect client. The ideal client is non so misanthropic they do non swear anyone or prejudge anyone before they see any consequences. They will besides be given to give you the benefit of the uncertainty but have small forbearance with hapless public presentation, intervention, or consequences. This client should besides hold the money or means to pay you that does non take the nutrient out of their kids # 8217 ; s oral cavities merely to acquire what they desire and non needfully what is needed in their lives. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ideal Customer Essay Research Paper The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In other words, they should hold the expendable income to afford what you are selling or supplying them with. They should besides hold an apprehension of what they are purchasing and what you are selling. This means that the client has done his/her prep before coming to the shop or concern that provides what the client desires. Furthermore, this client will hold gathered adequate information through some Gibler2 valuable research that they will hold a basic apprehension of what you are offering them. I think one of the most of import properties of the ideal client is their demand for quality. My ideal client demands high quality. Yet, realizes that errors can be made but need to be corrected instantly if it does happen. In this manner the ideal client is a great plus in supervising satisfaction and public presentation. This client would besides recognize the importance of being trusty and at good standing with all they deal with. This means non offering to pay in nutrient casts or demanding price reductions or seeking to swing trades that are merely worthy of the best used auto salesmen. The last property of my ideal client is that of trueness. This means that the client should purchase from me and show gratitude by mentioning other clients to me via word of oral cavity and recommendation. What I have described in this paper is what I consider to be the perfect client or what I would desire them to be. However, to be true, I had sat down and listed over 30 different properties that seemed to be ideal to me. Yet, someway narrowed it down to what I have described throughout this paper. Although, we all dream of the perfect client in different ways and we come up with a image that meets what we deem the perfect client, I # 8217 ; m sure that like the elusive terminal of the rainbow we will neer truly make the pot of gold and learn to demur each client for what they are, # 8220 ; human # 8221 ; .
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